Try something new. Everyday. + SZÉKELYDATA: Data Blog Updates


SZÉKELYDATA – my data blog in Hungarian about Székelyland, Transylvania and their surroundings

Recently I have published several posts on my Hungarian language data blog, SZÉKELYDATA. We have been experiencing some performance issues with the host, so please be patient and try again in a while if the page does not load at first.

  • About a month ago, I posted about the Gender Gap and Women’s Employment Inequality in Székelyland, Transylvania and Romania, using a GapMinder-style data visualization. Data from the last quarter century is examined and it is found that while the Gender Gap has significantly reduced and even reversed over the last 25 years, Employment Inequality mostly stayed the same. Max Ghalka provided the inspiration for this post.
  • Last week, my post about the historical pilgrimage to Csíksomlyó (HU, EN) went viral and received more than 20 000 views and 2200 shares. This is not a data visualization, but a crowd size estimation using various techniques. I used this gigapan and this timelapse for the analysis. It turns out that the historical pilgrimage gathers 250 000 Hungarians and Székelys year to year in peace, from all corners of the world.
  • And very recently I wrote about the dynamics of the GPAs and results on high-school-level academic competitions of the students on the Márton Áron High School in Csíkszereda, Székelyland, Transylvania. Using interactive data analytics and thought crumbs from a modern teaching theory (Constructive Alignment) we investigate the possible reason for the discrepancy in rankings between the best GPA students and the best competitors. My graduating brother was the main inspiration for this post : )


 Try something new. Everyday

The big news is that recently I have set-up a donation mechanism over PayPal. You may know that both this blog Try something new. Everyday. and SZÉKELYDATA are edited by me in my free time on a voluntary basis. If you like what you are seeing, please like and share my posts to increase visibility and subscribe to (Follow in WordPress) my blog. You can also express your support by considering a small one-time donation or you can even set it up on a recurring monthly/yearly basis. I wholeheartedly thank all of you in advance and I pledge to keep up posting data visualizations, analyses, mining and manipulation methods and infographics to your delight!

Here is the donation button for Try something new. Everyday

It is not necessary for you to have a PayPal account, you can use your credit card directly.

Donate for more datawizardry!

And here is the one for SZÉKELYDATA

Both are linked to the same wallet actually, they just use different currencies (USD vs EUR).

Donate for more datawizardry!



UPDATE: Now WordPress has a native donate button, I’ll try:

Published by Dénes Csala

AI | DATA | ENERGY | SYSTEMS researcher | thinker | modeler | blogger | traveller

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